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Data Security is Our Priority

Series of computers with blue locks on their screens
Data Security At BlueTape, we work hard to keep our customers and partners safe and secure. We have implemented best-in-class cyber security practices and comply with industry standards and regulations. Security of our credit card processing We do not store credit card information, and we don’t share them with our merchants or customers. We tokenize the credit information entered by our users, securely store the token, and discard card information. Every time a user makes a payment with their card, we use securely stored card tokens. ++PCI compliant Security of bank access When a user logs into their bank account within our solution, we have access to their bank account’s username and password, however, we do not store their username and password. All connections to bank accounts are done through security layers known as the TLS protocol. Security of data at rest and data in transit We are proud of the security implementation throughout our platform. We take great care of users and business data that customers and businesses share with us. All communications throughout our platform are secured by TLS protocol. PGP encryption and RSA 2048 encryption are used where it’s needed. All personally identifiable information (PII) stored in our solution is secured by ACH 256. Restricted access None of our employees have access to users’ sensitive information unless it’s essential to help a customer. SSN or EIN information is masked throughout our platform, and our staff doesn’t have access to any sensitive information. Our customers’ sensitive information is not shared with our partners and merchants. When customers make payments using BlueTape with their credit card or bank account, sensitive information is not shared with the sellers. We conduct background checks for our team members and provide regular security training to ensure that our team members are equipped with tools necessary to keep our user information safe. Credit card fraud One of the biggest challenges for every business that accepts credit cards over the phone is the fraud associated with Card-Not-Present (CNP) transactions. BlueTape significantly reduces this type of fraud as it requires users to register with BlueTape and runs KYC and KYB for purchasers. Privacy Policy Protecting your information is a top priority for us. We work hard to keep your data safe. To learn more about how we safeguard your information, read our full Privacy Policy.